
Small business, marketing, social media and design

Are you opening a new Etsy shop? Step-by-step checklist

As those of you who follow me on Instagram probably know, I’ve recently opened my third Etsy shop! I already have a graphic design shop, an illustration shop and the new one is for printable posters, Wise Magpie Prints. It had been so long since I last opened a new shop on Etsy that I had already forgotten how many details went into the process. Even though I had most of the important aspects figured out, it took me a...

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Font formats: What is the difference between OTF and TTF? + I have a YouTube channel!

If you have ever downloaded a new font to install on your computer, you have probably come across these two different formats: TTF and OTF. If you opened both files, you probably didn't notice any differences. So, what's the deal with these two font formats and which one should you choose? First, let's see some details about each one:   TTF (TrueType Font) This format was developed by Apple and Microsoft in the early 1980s. They needed a format that could be recognized...

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The life-changing magic of adding times to your to-do list + Free Printable Daily Planner

Do you ever get a feeling of helplessness when you have spent a couple of hours in front of your computer doing this and that but then you look at your to-do list and it is still as massive as it was before? I bet sometimes you are ready to work but don't even know where to start. It is impossible not to find yourself in that situation from time to time when you work from home and/or on your...

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Free printable: Monthly Habit Tracker

Now that January is coming to an end it is about time to admit those resolutions you have for this year are not going to be achieved without putting in a bit of work. Some of those goals may be personal or creative projects, but more often than not, what we really want to do is create new positive habits in our lives. Either if it is spending 20 minutes a day learning a new language, going to the gym...

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Checklist: 9 back to school ideas to get your business rolling after the holidays

September is the perfect time of the year for giving a boost to your business strategy, trying new marketing ideas and creating processes that will help you be more efficient. Everybody is coming back from the holidays and ready to get back to work, so having certain things under control will help you ride this wave like a master. Here you have a checklist including some back to school ideas to get your business on point this month. Access the Resource...

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Free printable: Project Planner for small business owners

Sometimes big projects seem more daunting than they really are simply because we haven't stopped and taken a moment to plan a bit: establish the main steps, break down those steps into smaller tasks and set a deadline for each one. You just need a blank piece of paper for that purpose, but hey, this new printable will help you do it in style :) Head over to the Resource Library to download it for free and don’t forget to share this post...

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