
Why you need an inexpensive product or service in your shop

Pricing your products and services is one of the trickiest tasks on your to-do list when you are starting a business or rethinking your existing one. The idea of setting a price that is affordable enough but doesn't undervalue what you are offering looks simple enough in writing but, in reality, it can cause more than one headache. This post is definitely not about how to price your products. That would be a titanic project I wouldn't know how to...

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Free printable: Yearly Income Tracker

The new year is almost here so it is time to start thinking about new strategies, possibilities and projects. This printable freebie will be super useful to help you with your goal planning and tracking during the next 12 months (or whenever you want). You can use it to keep track of multiple sources of income each month of the year, including fields for your money goals, the actual amount you earned and totals for each month and each income stream. Alternatively, you...

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3 easy tips for a better customer service

A good amount of positive reviews for any product or service you see on the internet, usually mention a great customer service in one way or another. This aspect of a business, especially if it is an online business, is crucial when it comes to brand reputation and client trust. It can really be a decisive factor when someone approaches you as a potential client. It is clear a lot of work involved goes a good customer service, but still,...

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Checklist: 10 ideas to increase your website traffic

We all know website traffic comes and goes and many times it is out of our control due to the many aspects involved: niche, SEO, readability of the page, changes in search engine algorithms, etc. A good SEO strategy requires time and effort to develop and it is crucial to get your website in front of the correct eyes –not only quantity is important. Aside from that, there are still many things you can do to increase your website traffic...

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Instagram Stories: 7 tricks and 7 ideas to market your business

  This functionality may be new to the Instagram platform but it has been out there on Snapchat for quite a while. Instagram stories are similar to Snapchat stories in every possible way: you can post both photos and videos, customize them with text and color doodles, add filters (though not as elaborate as on Snapchat), only your followers can see them and they just last for 24 hours. I've had a Snapchat account for some time now but I have never posted a public...

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How to schedule Twitter and Facebook posts for a more efficient social media strategy

  Right now, we want to be present on all the available platforms to promote our business and connect with our audience. We all learn pretty early in the journey that social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools we have. But managing all the social media accounts of a business can be a very time consuming task. Additionaly, if you want to post daily and at different times depending on the platform, it can lead you straight into...

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Free printable monthly calendar

A new free printable ready to be downloaded! It is a simple monthly calendar this time. You can print as many as you want and customize it for each month. If you are like me and you like to have a broader vision of your month side by side with your daily planner, this can definitely come in handy. Go ahead and download it from the Resource Library now. And don't forget to check the free weekly planner for small business owners as...

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My Small Business Toolbox – 13 online resources that will make your digital life easier

In this day and age, the majority of small business owners have an online presence either on social media, a website or both. This means most of us have a computer around and need to use it for many different tasks during the day: creating digital content, planning a marketing campaign, keeping track of statistics, etc. There are a ton of tools and tutorials out there that can help us with all these processes but it is difficult to keep...

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Small Business Feature: Pops n’ Chill

  Finally, after a long time I'm back with business features! Today I want to introduce you to Maria Victoria, the owner of Pops n' Chill, an artisanal handmade pops business in Virginia. We worked together to create her logo, website and other marketing materials and now she has kindly answered some questions about her colorful adventure. Enjoy!   What products or services do you offer and how long have you been around? I make and sell Gourmet Artisan frozen treats like popsicles and...

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Free printable weekly planner for small business owners

  This is something I started creating just for myself but I thought I'd share it as I'm sure a lot of you will find it super useful. I love my daily planner and I couldn't do without it but sometimes I need to see things in a broader perspective as well. This will help you achieve that by integrating a lot of different aspects that take part in the week of a business owner, all in one page. Download it from the...

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